According to the Japanese manga created by HERO and illustrated by Daisuke Hagiwara, ‘ Horimiya is a slice-of life romance-themed anime. It’s quickly become one of the most watched shows that is currently streaming or on television because of its heartwarming depiction of teenage love. The story centers around the capable and well-known Kyoko Hori, and the quiet and shy Izumi Miyamura as their relationship undergoes a gradual development. The show also puts in time and effort developing the secondary characters, blending them with the same realism as the two main protagonists.
On the 10th of January 2021, the show first aired at Tokyo MX, GYT, GTV, BS11, and MBS and received praise from critics and viewers alike. Here’s everything you need to know about the next episode.
Horimiya Episode 10 Release Date
Horimiya Episode 10 will air on the 12th of March, 2021 at 12:30 am and will be available at 12:30 AM on Funimation as well as AnimeLab. We can take a look at the latest episode below.
Where can I watch Horimiya Episode 10 in English Subtitles?
Funimation officially streams Horimiya online. Additionally, there is an airing simultaneously of the episodes on Hulu as well as AnimeLab. Funimation broadcasts Horimiya as it is in the original Japanese audio, with English subtitles. Recently, Funimation announced that Horimiya is likely to be dubbed in English too.
For the most coveted viewers for Funimation, Horimiya and the diverse anime titles available through the online streaming platform are released one week prior to the streaming for free of their shows. Funimation provides this with the active subscription that is available at the price of $5.99 per month or $59.99 for the year.
Horimiya Episode 10 Spoilers
In the episode 9 Izumi faces the fact that Kyoko would like him to strike and attack her. He is a calm and gentle person and is unsure of how to satisfy Kyoko’s desires in this respect. His jealousy has made Kyoko furious and angry. When they return from school The two confront Izumi’s bullying students from the middle school. Kyoko defends her boyfriend, and fights off the bullies. Then, Izumi reflects with wonder that he has someone who can take for him.
Izumi is trying to appear a little more sarcastic and rougher with Kyoko. While he’s still unsure of how to deal with this particular issue however, he is amazed at how content Kyoko is when she’s confident and assertive. He embraces her and assures her that he’ll take whatever she needs. Then, he has an argument with Kyosuke who suggests that Kyoko may want Izumi to be powerful and violent, since Izumi is the opposite.
Following Taiki Mizouchi, one of Izumi and Kyoko’s classmates confronts Izumi about the reasons why Kyoko picked him over everyone other, Izumi offers hints at Kyoko’s submissive side. The story is told in flashbacks and explores the intricate relationship between Izumi as well as one of the middle-school the bullies Makio Tanihara. The school they attended was able to be home to a small group of rabbits. They perished when Makio didn’t feed them during his summer breaks. He blamed the blame on Izumi. Makio is at the Miyamura family’s bakery and plays Izumi. They talk and a bond begins to develop between the two. On episode 10, three Members of Student Council Student Council might arrange tasks for their classmates.