The Cntyresr Store review below will help you determine if it is a scam or a reliable company to do business with. Let’s get started.

Cntyresr Store has been identified as a fraud site for the following reasons:

Contact Information

Multiple scam and troublesome websites have been using the parent company, Supic Company Limited. Search Supic Company Limited on our website to find a list of sites that use this parent company. It has not yet provided the name of its parent company, Supic Company Limited at the time of the review. However, similar sites have changed their parent companies names and addresses in recent years.

Website security

McAfee has used a fake trust seal logo on the few Product Details pages. If you shop on this site, your financial and personal information like your credit card number might be stolen.

Social Media Presence

It is not possible to find a social media icon that links to a business-related social media page. Legit online shops usually offer social media icons that link to their pages, groups, or profiles on social media. It may not be on social media.

Copied content

Its website theme, along with many other details, matches multiple scam websites. Its About Us page also matches many scam or problematic websites.

On a few policy pages, it has mentioned that a website domain name is used by other websites rather than its own. has mentioned the website domain name of another website rather than its own on a few policy pages. Legit companies, however, always mention their connections with other sister sites if they have any.

Special Sales and Discounts

Smart storage cabinet for bedroom, Electric Bike[750W], etc.

Customer complaints and delivery

There are many online shops selling similar products that have complaints about product quality, delivery times, and customer service.


We can confirm that Cntyresr Store online scam is fraudulent based on the facts.

You will find many suspicious websites listed in our ” Suspicious”, you can also find information about scams by scrolling through our ” Scams”, or navigate to our homepage and find interesting and informative articles under various categories by clicking.

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