The election arena has begun to be moved into Athletic. The name Ricardo Barkala as a potential presidential candidate. Athletic is being joined by Inaki Arechabaleta. The 63-year old executive from Bilbao who is his CEO at Vocento holds a degree from Economics as well as business Sciences at the Universidad Comercial de Deusto. After being entangled with the world of consulting and advisory services, he worked as the chief director at El Mundo del Pais Vasco between 1990 and 1993 as well as the general director for El Correo between 1994 and 2002.
Arechabaletalike Barkala is contemplating whether or whether to make the decision to participate in the Ibaigane elections. chair. Both names even sound alike in the same dish prior to the time that The president of the Port openly acknowledged that he was contemplating about the idea. Another plate was a third candidate that was misinformedly linked to Arechabaleta.